Live streaming Mass Links
Youtube Channel Link for all live streams> St John the Baptist Youtube Channel
Live Stream Weekly Mass is Sunday at 10:30 am
Live Streaming events for the week
Upcoming events/Announcements
Lenten Fish Frys are underway.
Join us for amazing hand-breaded fish, homemade salads, sides, and desserts.
There are nightly raffle Baskets, 50/50 and Tip Boards, a Cash Bar, as well as a beverage area.
We are blessed to have Live Music each night provided by the Marilyn Gaza Combo.
We accept Cash, Check, or Charge.
All Proceeds go directly to the capital campaign project underway here at St John.
Hours are 4:00-7:30 pm in the Panel Room of the School. Enter Door A., if you need a chair lift down the stairs, please call ahead for directions. 219-659-0023
Lenten Reflection Concert Series held on the Sundays of Lent at St John the Baptist Church~ 1849 Lincoln Ave. Concerts start at 4:00 pm
- March 9th- Deanna Witkowski
- March 16th- Tres Belles
- March 23rd- The Vigil Project
- March 30th- Whiting Park Festival Orchestra Chamber Ensemble
- April 6th- Michigan City Festival Orchestra Chamber Ensemble featuring Soprano Kim Jones
We hope you can join us for this prayerful experience. All concerts are Free, a free-will offering will be taken up at the end of each concert. Plenty of parking and handicap entrance
Lenten Weekly Stations of the Cross-
- Sunday at St Adalbert at 1:00 pm
- Thursday at St John at 1:00 pm
- Friday at St John at 7:00 pm
- Daily after 7:00 am mass
- Saturdays at 3:00 pm in the St John Centennial Room (back of the church )
- Communal Penance Service
- April 8th at 6:00 pm, Children's 1st Reconcilation as well as a Communal Service
- April 15 at 7:00 pm Lenten Communal Penance Service
Holy Week Services-
- Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer- Thursday - Saturday at 7:00 am, SJB
- Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7:00 pm SJB
- Good Friday - Interdenominational Prayer Service - Noon -Location TBD
- Good Friday- Solemn Liturgy- 3:00 pm, St Adalbert
- Good Friday-Living Stations of the Cross- 7:00 pm, St John
- Holy Saturday- Easter Basket Blessing- 2:00 pm St John
- Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil- 8:00 pm St John, welcoming our new members into Full Communion in the Catholic Church
- Easter Sunday - 8:00 am, 10:30 am St John
- Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27th at 3:00 pm St Adalbert
We are no longer accepting Religious Items for donation, we will begin the collection again in August. Reminder: NO books are accepted through this donation program.
The Diocesan Strategic Plan Leadership Team from St John the Baptist and St Adalbert are
Carey Olds
Come away to a peaceful place at St. John the Baptist Church, apart from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Eucharistic Adoration offers every individual silent time with our risen Lord. Bring you worries, your concerns, your sorrows and your joys before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please visit our Social Media sites listed below for a library of our streamed mass and prayer services. Also available on the News and Events Tab/Liturgical Support.
- St John the Baptist Facebook Page
- St John the Baptist You Tube Channel _________________________________________________________________________________________
Diocesan information can be found under the News and Events Tab/Diocesan Resource Tab.
- Dispensation ends- Letter from our Bishop
- Send a Prayer Request to Bishop McClory
Online Giving
Welcome to the Whiting Catholic community which now includes the parishes of St. Adalbert and the historic St. John the Baptist (est. 1897). Since 1921 the Missionaries of the Precious Blood religious order have served this community by sharing the mission and ministry of their founder, St. Gaspar, and his charism of reconciliation. We invite you to explore our family here!

Phone: 219-659-0023
Fax: 219-473-7551
CSA Update
Support for Catholic Service Appeal is needed now more than ever. Please consider participating. Watch the video below.
The Capital Campaign project to repair the heating system is beginning shortly. . Please look for the menu tab on this website for further information on the project and opportunities to assist.
A Message from Father Mark Peres
Feasibility Study FAQs
Posted in Capitol Projects Update on 09/26/24
PDF version of FAQs St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish Capital Projects Fundraising ... Read More »
We invite you to join us for daily and weekend mass.
St. John the Baptist Church ~ Mass Times
- Daily Monday- Friday- 7:00am. Tuesdays when school is in session at 8:30am
- Sunday - 8:00am and 10:30 a.m. (Live Stream)
- Family Mass is held on the 2nd Sunday of the month September- May
- Children's Liturgy of the Word is held during the 10:30 am mass, children in Pre-K-5th grade are welcome to go back when called by Fr Mark
St. Adalbert Church ~ Mass Time
- Saturday - 4:30 p.m
Confession Schedule:
Confessions are held in the St John the Baptist Centennial Room
- Daily Following the 7:00am mass
- Saturday from 3:00-3:30 pm
- By Appointment by calling the Rectory- 219-659-0023
We are a Precious Blood Parish, served by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Please Note Community events are being scheduled. Feel free to contact us to schedule your event.